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విజ్ఞాన శాస్త్ర సాంకేతిక పరిశోధనా సంస్థ / विज्ञान शास्त्र प्रौद्योगिकी और परिशोधन संगठन
Deemed to be university - Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956
The EEE Department in Divisional Block-H provides three spacious, ergonomic classrooms, one board room, and six faculty rooms. Each classroom accommodates 60 students and features Smart Boards, PA systems, and green boards. With shared use for theory and tutorials, the setup ensures an excellent learning environment with modern seating and desks.
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Class Room I
Class Room 2
General Facilities
The EEE Department operating from Divisional Block-H has adequate physical infrastructure to disseminate information to its undergraduate batches. This takes the form of three primary class rooms, one board room, six faculty rooms containing faculty cabins. The class rooms operate on a shared basis for theory and tutorials. They are spacious, airy and exhibit an ergonomic design, affording an excellent learning experience to students. The classrooms can accommodate 60 students, each having a Smart Board, PA System and Green board. Aesthetically designed metal seating systems and wooden desks are an integral part of these classrooms.
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Power Converters Laboratory
Power Systems Laboratory
Electrical Machines-I Laboratory
Electrical Machines-II Laboratory
Power Converter Laboratory:

The Power Converter Laboratory mission is to investigate new and advanced power converter topologies and control strategies that help to push the power conversion efficiency, power density and reliability to new heights.

Power Systems Laboratory:

Power system Laboratory comprises of protection, simulation, high voltage and machine related experiments. Facilities are available for overcurrent, under-voltege, directional, differential and distance relays including different numerical relays.

Electrical Machines Laboratory:

This laboratory provide the students a chance to put theory into practice. To get familiar with DC machines, and give them experimental skills.
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Vignan's Foundation for Science, Technology and Research
(Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi, Guntur-522213
0863-2344700 / 701
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