Call for Papers
The conference will highlight recent and significant advances in research and development in the field of IoT applications in healthcare and its allied areas like medical devices, networking, and telemedicine and also areas like Electronics, Communication, and Biomedical and Computational systems. It will cover all aspects of theory and practice of metrology, measurement technologies, instrumentation, communications, biomedical engineering and computational technology. The scope of the conference will include theory, implementation, and application of IoT in the areas of Electronics, Communication, Biomedical and Computational systems. This conference also aims to offer a great opportunity to bring together academicians, researchers, industry people and scientists around the globe a great platform to deliver the latest innovative research results, the emerging developments and trends inIoT Sensing, Monitoring, Networking,Data Analysis and Cloud Computing,Communication Technologies for medical applications, telemedicine,Robotics, etc. In addition, the conference will feature invited talks from eminent personalities all around the world, pre-conference tutorial/workshops, poster presentations and referred and peer reviewed paper presentations. The vision of this conference is to encourage and uphold communication among researchers, academicians, scientists and industry people working in a wide variety of the above areas in Engineering and Technology.
The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to
Track 1:
Sensors and Edge Devices
- Wearable Sensor Systems
- Wireless sensor and Actuator Networks
- Bio-sensors and Transducers
- Biomedical Instrumentation
- Bio-MEMS
- Mobile and Smartphone Sensing
- Interfaces
- Sensor data streaming
- Software for IoT
- Storage and Data Management for IoT
- Embedded Computer and System
- Computing for IoT
- Cloud and Fog Computing
- Edge and Mobile Computing
- Platform Based Computing
- Block chain for health data
Track 3:
Analytics, Contextual Algorithms & Applications
- Platforms and Framework
- Cyber-physical systems
- Big data and IoT Data Analytics
- Semantic Technologies, Collective Intelligence
- Horizontal application development for IoT
- Service Experiences and Analysis
- Green IoT: Sustainable Design and Technologies
- IoT Experimental Results and Deployment Scenarios
- Security and Privacy for Internet of Things
- Identification and authentication issues
- Intrusion and Attacks in IoT
- Cryptography, key management and authorization for IoT
- UAV based Medical systems
- FPGA based digital twins
- Rural remote healthcare systems
- Assistive systems for elderly people
- Energy efficiency for wearables and implanted devices
- Patient tracking and localization
- Remote patient monitoring
Special Sessions
Session1 : Women in Engineering
- Women in Engineering
Session2 : Miscellaneous
- Solar Cells
- Thin film Transistors
- Terahertz Detectors
- Material Synthesis
- High Power Microwave devices
- High End Laser devices
- Device structure and Modelling
Track 2 :
Communication Technologies
- Adhoc and Wireless Sensor Networks
- Legacy 3G/4G cellular Networks
- 5G Networks
- IPv6, 6LoWPAN, Bluetooth (Low Power), Zigbee
- High Band, Narrow Band Networks
- Network Coding
- D2D and M2M Communications
- Software Defined Networks
- Massive IoT Networks
- Delay Tolerant Networks
- Interoperability of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks of Different Standards
- Network Architectures and Protocols
- RFID Networks and Protocols
- Wireless Intelligent Networks
- Satellite based Telemedicine
- Human Body Communication (HBC)
- Co-existence issues for IoT health devices
- Antennas for wearable & implantable sensors
- Interoperability
Track 4 : Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Neural Networks
- Machine Learning for Signal Processing
- Fuzzy Logic
- Expert Systems
- Computational Intelligence
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Mining
- Support Vector Machines
- Biometrics
- Sentiment Analysis
- Machine Vision
- Human Computer Interaction
- Pattern Recognition
- Image/Video Processing
- Intrusion Detection
- Geographic Information Systems
- Medical and Sensor Data Stream Processing
- Signal Processing
- Medical Diagnosis
- Segmentation Techniques
- Augmented Reality
- Virtual Reality
- Virtual Health Assistants
- Telehealth and Virtual Care
- Ambient Intelligence
- Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Context-aware pervasive systems
Note: Topics are not limited to the above mentioned areas
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Full papers need to be submitted in IEEE format.
The papers need to be submitted through easychair weblink
Registration for Poster Presentation click here .
The Maximum number of pages in double column format allowed is 6 pages and if it exceeds, extra charges are applicable
- Any problem in submission, please contact 9565611279 / 9453134716