12, Jan, 2025
Vignan - Bala Mahotsav Poster Inauguration
Vignan’s University vice-chancellor Prof P Nagabhushan on Sunday announced that for the first time, a state-level Bal Mahotsav programme for children will be organised for two days from January 31. Dr. Lavu Rathaiah, Chairman, Vigyan Educational Institutions, unveiled the posters of 'Vigyan Bal Mahotsav-2K25', a children's festival to be held at Vadlamudi Vignan’s University in Chebrolu mandal. Speaking on the occasion, the VC said that his university is going to be a venue for a huge youth festival for children. Students can also register by visiting the www.vignan.ac.in/balamahotsav website for more details. Vignan Bal Mahotsav will be a platform for children to showcase their talents. Organizing more than 50 events. The Bal Mahotsav, which is being organised for the first time from January 31 to February 1 by Vignan’s University, will organise more than 50 events for the students of juniors (classes 5 to 7) and seniors (classes 8 to 10).
In the first sports event, the boys will be given volleyball, kabaddi, kho-kho, 100m, 800m, 4' 100m relay. The girls will have volleyball, kabaddi, kho-kho, 100m, 800m and 4" 100m relay competitions. Apart from this, music (classical singing solo, singing idol - little champ, group singing, instrument solo), dance (classical, western, folk group), literary (essay writing, letter writing, general quiz, election), fine arts (spot painting, clay modelling) will be organized. "Vignan Bal Mahotsav is an excellent platform for students to showcase their talents and hone their talent. He appealed to all students across the state to make full use of this opportunity. Dr. Lavu Rathaiah, Chairman, Vignan Institutions, Prof. P. Nagabhushan, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M.S. Raghunathan, Registrar, Dr. M.S. Raghunathan, Deans and Heads of the respective departments were present on the occasion.