Vignan University
విజ్ఞాన శాస్త్ర సాంకేతిక పరిశోధనా సంస్థ / विज्ञान शास्त्र प्रौद्योगिकी और परिशोधन संगठन



Under Graduate Program
B.Tech in Information Technology
B.Tech in Information Technology
4 years
B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Bachelors in Advanced Computer Science and Engineering
4 year
B.S (Data Science)
B.S (Data Science)
3 year
B.Tech in Cyber Security
Bachelors in Advanced Computer Science and Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Computer Science and Business Systems
Bachelors in Advanced Computer Science and Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Data Sciences
Bachelors in Advanced Computer Science and Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Internet of Things
Bachelors in Advanced Computer Science and Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering
Bachelors in Agricultural Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Biotechnology
Bachelors in Biotechnology
4 year
B.Tech in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelors in Bio Medical Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Bioinformatics
Bachelors in Biotechnology
4 year
B.Tech In Chemical Engineering
Bachelors in Chemical Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Petroleum Engineering
Bachelors in Chemical Engineering
4 year
B.Tech In Civil Engineering
Bachelors in Civil Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Food Technology
B.Tech in Food Technology
4 year
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Robotics & Automation
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
4 year
B.Tech in Textile Technology
Bachelors in Textile Technology
4 year
B.Tech In Technical Textiles
Bachelors in Textile Technology
4 years
B.Tech in Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology)
B.Tech in Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology)
4 year
International Accreditation Organization - IAO
Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology, and Research (Vignan) met the accreditation requirements of the International Accreditation Organization (IAO) and was granted full accreditation.
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Contact Us
Vignan's Foundation for Science, Technology and Research
(Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi, Guntur-522213
0863-2344700 / 701
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