Nano technology has revolutionized the entire science and engineering research in terms of realizing products with variety, size and price since 1980s. Thereafter, the opportunities, competition and challenges for professionals and corporate in every field have gone up in an exponential fashion. Ever since the benefits of the same started reaching the common man, expectations and the requirements in terms of quality and quantity have gone beyond anybody's imagination. India as a fast developing nation, considering the capabilities and performance of younger generation who constitute large share of the whole population, specific goals were set by the administrators with slogans such as "make in India" and "skill development".
Multinational companies in IT, manufacturing and other sectors have provided massive scope for employment and entrepreneurship which is a big boost for budding engineers looking for challenges. Nearly 40 million placement opportunities are expected in the manufacturing sector alone in the near future. The 'Knowledge commission of India' had projected the need for quality engineers a decade back and suggested establishment of 1500 universities in our country. This resulted in the large scale growth of educational institutions all over the country. In the race for the 'survival of fittest', quality educational institutions made a mark in producing several thousands of engineering graduates every year, in which major percentage of them belonging to the first generation graduates. This in turn resulted in the overall development the country bringing in huge investments from within the country and abroad.
VFSTRU located in a rural area initiated by a committed group, caters to the needs of the region in particular and the country as whole by providing quality education to the students. Research centers, Centers of excellence, dynamic changes in the curriculum and course contents combined with quality teaching, guidance and industrial exposure, curricular, co curricular and extracurricular activities provide ample opportunities for the students to develop their personality and become 'industry ready'. In addition, ample guidance and training are provided for students preferring to go for higher studies within India and abroad.
The present scenario for young graduates is highly promising in our country as there are plenty of openings in defense, space, nuclear and agricultural sectors, in addition to IT and manufacturing. With an optimistic target of becoming a 'Super power' in 2020, our nation is looking for active involvement and contribution from the present younger generation. But, as this journey has no boundaries and destinations, let us all march holding our hands together in pursuit of excellence with a smile in our face and willingness in our heart to push our limits, with a sole objective of realizing peaceful, powerful, bright and prosperous India.
Dr. K. Satya Prasad