Online End Semester Examinations
We hope that you are doing well and preparing for the examinations that are scheduled in the month of July 2020. In our previous document circulated to the students in third week of June as "Statutory instructions-End Sem Examinations other than terminal- JULY 2020" we informed you about the schedules of semester end examinations. We have also shared that the decision about the mode of examination will be informed to you by 20 the June 2020.
Keeping in view of the existing situation in the country, Institution has decided to conduct the examinations online and in the same schedules informed earlier. A copy of the schedule is attached here with for your ready reference. The following are some of the guidelines that will help you during online examinations.
Preparations before the Examinations:
One of your department staff member will be appointed as supervisor and will be in contact with you for helping in online examination process.
Please ensure your mobile number and e mail address are correctly entered in the data available with the supervisor.
A few mock tests will be conducted during next week to familiarize you about the examination process. The exact dates and time will be informed to you by the supervisor soon.
You are also advised to give another phone number that will be nearer to you when writing the actual examination so that the supervisor can contact if you are not able to connect.
At least two to three days before the commencement of the examination, identify a particular place in the house, where the phone can receive a clear signal and retain good connectivity for the entire duration of the online examination. Preferably in the same time slot as your examination.
The connectivity is to be checked every day. One day before the examination contact respective counselor to check the connectivity through a audio and video call.
Keep all the items like calculator, paper for rough work, drinking water, power banks (based on the need) ready so that there will not be any need for movement during the examination.
Please keep your Vignan ID card also as ready for any authenticity verification during examination.
Examination Process:
Examination may be attempted by the student through Smartphone with camera facility or through a Laptop with camera.
Students are expected to login at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination.
Examination is through student individual login and password.
In addition, student will get an OTP/Token/password to write examination in a particular subject on a particular day and shall be intimated to the student on the day of examination to the student's phone. Once the student enters the OTP, the examination paper shall become accessible for the candidate to answer.
Question paper consists of 60 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) questions to be answered in 2 hours. 80% of questions are to test the student skills of application and set from first three units and the remaining 20% questions are from the last two units, i.e., 4 and 5 units, to test mainly remembrance and understanding level of student.
All questions will be in the Multiple Choice Pattern. Each question will have four proposed answers out of which only one answer is correct.
During the examinations, the Examination Software automatically saves at frequent intervals the answer options marked by the student up to that particular point of time. However, the student can change their answers for any question up to the point of final Submission.
All the questions of the examination are open to the student to answer for the entire duration of the Exam, i.e., a student should be able to scroll up and down the screen and be able to answer any question in any order, or able to edit the earlier selected answer at any time during the specified examination time.
During the examination, intermittent video capturing or photo capturing of the student is included in the monitoring system. Videos of the students writing the examinations are relayed to the invigilators in real time to prevent malpractices. Students are reminded that any unusual movement during the examination will be considered as malpractice.
Students should remain before the screen till the last fifteen minutes of the examination duration. If completed early, student can scrutinize the answered questions. Final submission of student answer script will be accepted by the software in the last fifteen minutes of the examination duration only.
At the end of allotted time of 120 minutes, the software automatically submits the answer script by freezing all the answer options marked by the student.
Wishing you all the best
Dean - AR & Evaluation