English Language Communication Skills Lab

A well established, multimedia language laboratory aims at helping students to overcome their linguistic deficiencies and develop proficiency in English usage. This enables budding professionals to enhance their employability and enables their seamless integration into the corporate world. Total Software cost: Rs. 5.6 lakhs
Language Packages (SOFTWARE)
Teacher consoleHi-Class Software V2.0
Rosetta Stone - Level - III Networking edition
Speech Solutions
Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary
American Heritage Dictionary
TOEFL Mastery
English Mastery
Physics Lab

There is a symbiotic relationship between physics and engineering. Engineering physics lays emphasis on the concepts relevant to that of engineering branches. Engineering physics laboratory enables the students to realize their theoretical understanding. This laboratory leaves the students equipped of the concepts of wave theory, thermal conductivity, electromagnetic theory, semiconductor physics, optoelectronics, lasers and optical fibers. The students hone their laboratory skills to be in tune to that of their subsequent labs in the due course of engineering.
Instruments present in the Physics Lab
Laser (He-Ne, diode)
Optical fibers
Solar cell
Ultrasonic interferometer
Melde's apparatus
Set-up to measure Seebeck co-efficient
Stewart and Gee's apparatus
Lee's apparatus
Chemistry Lab

Chemistryplays a vital role in qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemicals, essential for almost all R & D sectors of industries. During the engineering chemistry lab, the students can acquire practical knowledge about estimation, preparations and instrumentation techniques.The lab sessions, well accord with the theory classes; enable the students to apply the theoretical concepts while performing the experiments.
Instruments present in the Lab
pH meter
Analytical balance
Distilled water set-up
Computer Programming Laboratory

The main objective of conducting computer programming laboratory sessions is to impart the skill of programming to students. It facilitates first year students to practice and learn C programming language. Programming in 'C' is the basic key skill for any student to start career in any software Industry. Logical and innovative thinking of the students will be enhanced while writing programs for given problems.
In computer programming Lab, basic concepts of C programming are introduced. Students will be familiar with the Linux working environment, which is a required skill in programming. Each student is provided a dedicated computer which enables him/her to explore different test cases for a given program. Students are encouraged to think different solutions for the same problem.
On completion of lab programs, the following outcomes are expected:Software information:
Mathematics Laboratory

The mathematics laboratory is a place where anybody can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. Mathematics Laboratory which could help to complement the theoretical teaching of this subject by presenting real situations similar to those the Engineering student will encounter in future. The subjects covered here are those of the area of applied mathematics, designed to train students in engineering. The approach being followed is based on specific criteria for the design of a user manual for each lab practice, the use of appropriate software.
Software information:Basics of Computers and Internet Lab

The main objective of conducting laboratory in BCI LAB is to educate the student to achieve skillful handling of various activities. The modules include PC Hardware, Internet, World Wide Web and Productivity tools including Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher. PC Hardware introduces the students to a personal computer and its basic peripherals, the process of assembling a PC, installation of System Software MS-Windows, Linux and the required device drivers. In addition hardware and software level troubleshooting process, tips and tricks would be covered. Internet & WWW module introduces the different ways of hooking the PC on to the Internet from home and workplace effectively usage of the Internet. Usage of web browsers, e-mails, news groups and discussion forums would be covered. In addition, awareness of cyber hygiene, i.e., protecting the personal computer from getting infected with the viruses, worms and other cyber attacks would be introduced.