Analytical & Physical Chemistry Lab
This lab provides good first hand knowledge of various analytical chemistry techniques, with special emphasis on real time spectrometers. A few of the experiments that are carried out are Redox Titrations, Complexometric Titrations, analysis of water, analysis of minerals, Gravimetry, Colorimetric estimation, Determination of specific rotation, Determination of partition coefficient, Surface tension and viscosity of liquid (s). Instrumental analysis plays a key role in the quality control of industries.
Organic Chemistry Lab

This lab provides practical knowledge of identification of different organic compounds, analysis and detection of extra elements in functional groups. A few experiments are: Criteria of purity of solid and liquid compounds, Identification of an unknown organic substance. Students can experience with preparation of certain organic compounds and their applications.
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering Lab

This lab provides knowledge of various flow patterns, flow measuring devices and pumps. Some of the major experiments are: Identification of Laminar and Turbulent flows (Reynolds Apparatus), Verification of Bernoulli's Equation, Venturi Meter, Orifice Meter, Pitot Tube, Rotameter, Friction loss in fluid flow through pipes, Pressure drop in packed bed, Pressure drop in fluidized bed, Characteristics of single stage centrifugal pump, Characteristics of multistage centrifugal pump, Characteristics of Reciprocating pump, Coefficient of discharge in V - notch, Flow through jets.
Chemical Technology Lab

This lab enables the students to gain practical knowledge about estimation, preparation, analysis and determination of different chemical compounds. A few such experiments are: Estimation of Glucose and Sucrose, Iodine value of oil, Saponification and Acid value of oil, Preparation of aspirin, Nitrobenzene, etc; and determination of Alkalinity of water and Percentage purity of limestone.
Mechanical Unit Operations Lab

This lab provides good practical knowledge and usage of different mechanical unit operations and operational conditions of different equipments. A few such operating equipments are: Screen Analysis, Screen Effectiveness, Jaw Crusher, Ball Mill, Roll Crusher, Sedimentation, Press and Frame filter, Froth flotation, ICI Sedimentation, Cyclone Separator, Vibrating Screens, Centrifugal Filter, Sieve Shaker, Leaf Filter.
Mass Transfer Operations Lab

This lab provides a good knowledge of various mass transfer operations commonly used in industries. A few such experiments /operations carried out in the lab are: Liquid - Liquid Diffusivity, Simple Distillation, Surface Evaporation, Steam Distillation, Gas Diffusivity, Tray Drier, Liquid - Liquid Extraction, Solubility Characteristics, Leaching, Absorption, Soxhelet Extraction, HETP, Packed Bed Adsorption with Silica Gel, Packed Bed Absorption Column, Refractometer, Vaccum drier.
Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab

The Chemical Reactor is supposed to be the heart of the chemical industry. It can make or break the process. Hence a thorough understanding of chemical reactors and their design is very much essential for a chemical engineer. This lab provides a practical knowledge of few reactors - basically homogeneous type. Non - ideality in the reactors is also studied. A few such experiments basically to find the rate constants and the degree of non - ideality are: Kinetic Studies in C.S.T.R, P.F.R, Combined Reactor, MFR's in Series, Batch Reactor Equimolar Feed, Isothermal Batch Reactor, Adiabatic Batch Reactor, R.T.D Studies in C.S.T.R, C.S.T.R's in Series, Plug Flow Reactor, Combined Reactor, Fluidized Bed Reactor, Packed Bed Reactor.
Process Heat Transfer Lab

Provides good practical knowledge of the three main heat transfer phenomena: Conduction, Convection and radiation. The list of experiments are: Natural Convection, Composite Walls, Heat Transfer Through Pin Fin, Emissivity Measurement, Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Heat Transfer Through Metal Rod, Vertical Condenser, Agitated Vessel, Double Pipe Heat Exchanger, Thermal Conductivity of Liquids, Single Effect Evaporator, Forced Convection, Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus, Critical Heat Flux.
Process Dynamics & Control Lab

Provides good practical knowledge of different control systems, Controllers and Control valves used in industries. The list of experiments are: Dynamics of First order system, Dynamics of Interacting , Non Interacting Systems with Step input, Response of Interacting and Non - Interacting Systems for Pulse input, Response of second order system (Manometer), Response of control valves, Mat Lab - I, Pressure Control Trainer, Temperature Control Trainer, Cascade Control, Mat Lab - II.
Process Modeling & Simulation Lab

Provides good practical knowledge about chemical process modeling, Simulation and design of various chemical engineering equipment and there by gain experience in use of simulation packages. A few of the design works carried out in this lab are: Gravity Flow tank, Three constant Holdup CSTR's in Series, Three Variable Holdup CSTR's in Series, Bubble Point Calculations, Dew point Calculation, Double Pipe Heat Exchanger, Interacting Two Tank Liquid Level System, Non - Interacting Two Tank Liquid Level System, Non Isothermal CSTR, Binary Distillation Column, Plug Flow Reactor, Isothermal Batch Reactor, Cone Shaped Tank, Batch Distillation with Holdup.
Chemical Process Equipment Design Lab

Provides good knowledge about chemical process equipment design and drawing which is the starting point to fabricate equipment (in conjunction with mechanical design engineers). A few such designs carried out in this lab are: Drawing of Flow sheets symbols, Instrumentation symbols, Instrumentation Diagrams, Mechanical Aspects of Chemical equipment design and drawing of a Double - pipe - heat exchanger, 1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger, 2-4 shell and tube heat exchanger, Feed forward evaporator, Backward feed evaporator. Drawing of distillation column using Mc - Cabe Thiele method, Ponchon - Savarit method, Design of Absorption Column, Adsorption Tower, Batch Reactor, CSTR.
Environmental Engineering Lab- I & II

This lab introduces the basic unit operations and processes in environmental engineering. It also develops knowledge on physical, chemical and biological principles of processes and operations in water and wastewater treatment. It also analyzes and monitors different water treatment processes. A few such experiments are: Acid - Alkality estimation in water, Estimation of total settle able solids, Suspended solids, Dissolved solids in water, Estimations of Iron, Chloride, Fluoride, DO, BOD, COD.
PG & Research Lab

At Vignan's School of Chemical Engineering, graduate & Postgraduate research often results in the development of innovative and patentable ideas, leading to new technologies and, sometimes, new companies. Faculty members in the School have strong interactions with industry, including consulting, sponsored research, and/or advisory board activities. Opportunities continue to arise to use your technical and entrepreneurial abilities to create new solutions to societal problems. Research is supported by state-of-the-art research and computing laboratories. The students participate in and university-wide multidisciplinary research thrust areas. The School of Chemical Engineering also has a strong research thrust in the area of separations, particularly membrane separations. Additional research thrust areas include environmental sustainability, computational fluid dynamics, and biotechnology. Exceptional facilities are available for the synthesis and characterization of membrane materials, molecular and cellular biological samples, novel catalysts, polymeric materials, and surface coatings.